Higher electricity consumption than comparable buildings
Prioritized for detailed inspection
Found a spike in water usage
Fixed a leak avoiding a loss of over $13,200
Boiler retrofit ROI better than forecasted
Same unit purchased for next building
“WegoWise's Web application is designed to give building managers an easy way to identify energy and water-wasting buildings.”
“Corcoran has already found more than a half million dollars in savings by using WegoWise to analyze and compare utility costs among its buildings and other properties in the same markets.”

Who Uses Our Software?
If you are dedicated to improving the efficiency of buildings, we can help. Our software provides timely, insightful, and actionable information to help you manage energy and water use.
Find out how companies like yours are benefitting from WegoWise®.
View Case Studies
WegoWise has helped building owners and managers track and analyze...
21.4 Million
2.51 Billion
square feet
759 Billion
5 Billion
72.8 Billion